GRETA newsletter

Read about the findings of the GRETA project in the newsletter! (PDF)


- Pathways to sustainable regions in multi-level system of governance in the Baltic Sea area - Findings of project GRETA
- Challenges and opportunities in promoting green transformation in the Latgale region
- GRETA ends with a promising policy pathway for green transformation - Policy Briefs
- Early discoveries from the GRETA process: New sustainable EDP and role of public organisations in the Green Transition
- Drawing on GRETA in International Networking
- Green Transformation in Ostrobothnia: Inspecting Multi-Level Perspective and Pathways in Greta-Project
- The Green Deal will be delivered in the regions and cities
- Takeaways from the COP26

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Updated on 16.11.2017, at 11.40, Marie Sjölind.